Slides about thesis writing and defense for students [in czech]:
Intelligent and Mobile Robotics Group actively contributes in teaching activities within student programs Open Informatics and Cybernetics and Robotics of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. Namely, it provides the following:
- Robotics (minor specialization) - The minor is designed for students interested in using their knowledge in the field of advanced robotics. Within the minor we offer the following courses:
Cybernetics and Robotics (branch: Robotics)
- Practical Robotics
- Mobile and Collective Robotics
- Robots (introductory course)
More courses provided by the Intelligent and Mobile Robotics Group can be found here [in czech].
Laboratory and equipment
The IMR laboratory has a total area of over 250 m2 available for experiments, development and testing of robotic applications. A wide range of robots and equipment is available for research and education. For more information see the separate IMR laboratory section.
Semester Projects, Thesis Topics & Summer Jobs
We offer topics from various fields of robotics to students of bachelor’s and master’s studies. Our students solve tasks such as navigation, localization, planning for one or more robots, or processing information from rangefinder sensors and standard and RGBD cameras. We work with both simulated data and real robots, from classic manipulators, through mobile robots to drones. In the laboratory, we also have Tiago++ – a two-armed mobile manipulator. The topics are listed so that they can be followed up with a bachelor’s/master’s thesis in the following semester.
Note: The listed topics may be reserved, so always check with our staff. It is also possible to come up with your own work assignment after prior consultation with our staff.
Leaflet with Semester Projects, Thesis Topics & Summer Jobs
Learn more about available topics.
Updated 2023-05-19
Robotic competitions
Researchers of Intelligent and Mobile Robotics Group provide support for teams that would like to compete in various robotic competitions. For ambitious teams, we can provide both, technical support and knowledge and experience from passed competitions. For more information, please contact Karel Košnar. In the previous years, we have successfully participated in the following competitions: