Success Stories
We won 2nd place in the 2024 euRobotics Technology Transfer Award with our project RUR - Research and development of a robotic system for automated masonry from clay blocks together with project's partners KM Robotics and Wienerberger.
Our team – David Woller (PhD student led by Miroslav Kulich) and Jakub Rada (bachelor student) successfully participated at the ROADEF Challenge 2020 optimization competition . After winning the semifinal phase in the Junior category, the team ranked 2nd in the final phase in the category and 8th in the overall ranking (among 74 international teams). [more info]
We (D. Woller, V. Kozák, V. Vávra, and M. Kulich) won the Competition on Electric Vehicle Routing Problem, organized within the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence 2020 decisively with an adaptation of the Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristic.
Our successful proposal for organization of IROS2021 in Prague prepared together with Guarant International wons the Ambassador Awards - kandidatura roku.
Our paper Ego-motion Sensor for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Based on a Single-Board Computer won the 3rd price for Best Technical Paper Award at the CLAWAR'17 Conference (20th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines). Authors are G. Écorchard, A. Heinrich, and L. Přeučil.
Best Paper Award for the conference paper of M. Kulich, V. Kozák and L. Přeučil:Comparison of Local Planning Algorithms for Mobile Robots presented on the MODELLING AND SIMULATION FOR AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS WORKSHOP 2015
The project TAROS was awarded on Future Forces 2014 by jurnalists jury as The most interesting Technical Exhibit and Golden Future Forces 2014.
Our cooperation was appreciated by director of VOP cz.
We received IEEE RAS grant for SyRoTek under the call on Creation of Educational Material in Robotics and Automation 2015 (CEMRA 2015). Thank to this, new functionalities will be implemented and new courses will be published on SyRoTek pages.
First year of the Center for Advanced Field Robotics has been successfully finished and IMR is a proud founding member of this center. For more details see web page of the center.
Best Paper Award for the conference paper of Saska, M., Krajník, T., Vonásek, V. and Přeučil, L.: Navigation, localization and stabilization of formations of unmanned aerial and ground vehicles presented on the International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS'13) 2013 (pdf). See publication page.
Series of UAV swarm experiments successfully realized within project COLOS (joint research of IMR and Prof. Vijay Kumar's group from University of Pennsylvania). See swarm page for details on the swarm control.
Possibility of autonomous coordination of a military vehicle with flying robots have been verified during NATO exercises in Lest, Slovakia. See swarm page for details on the applied formation control.
The cage for the experiments with the UAVs is installed in the campus of CTU at Karlovo naměsti. Now, everything is prepared for experimentating with real swarm of UAVs. See swarm page for details.
The SyRoTek was successfully lunched. SyRoTek allows to remotely control a
multi-robot platform via internet. Try SyRoTek on-line.
A robot of IMR repeatedly passed 1km path using a visual navigation with 0.3 m precision in outdoor environment. See navigation page for details on SURFNAV approach.
Adaptive heliport was integrated into our UAV-UGV system. Now, UAVs can repeatedly land and take-off from UGVs. See swarm page for details.
Experiment emulating airport snow shoveling was successfully realized with mobile robots of IMR. Besides, novel concepts of formation driving were verified. See swarm page for details.